Year 10-12 Vaccinations

Adolescents are at increased risk of meningococcal disease. Although uncommon, it can become life-threatening, very quickly. There are different strains of meningococcal bacteria known by letters of the alphabet, including meningococcal A, B, C, W and Y.

Your child may have previously had the Meningococcal C vaccine but in recent years, the incidences of meningococcal W strain have increased across Australia. Victoria has already had 11 cases in 2017 compared to 48 cases in 2016, 17 cases in 2015, four in 2014 and one in 2013. Meningococcal W is now the most common strain in Victoria.

The Hume City Council was out at the school in Term 3 to provide the free service of administering the vaccines to Year 10-12 students. Parental consent was required to receive the vaccination and as a result some students forgot to provide the form. If your child missed being immunised at school, they can attend any of our public immunisation sessions, to receive the missed vaccine, free of charge.

To learn more about meningococcal disease, the meningococcal ACWY vaccine and how you can prepare your child for vaccination, visit the links below.

Miss Inass Fayad (Year 11/12 Coordinator)